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WINKS SDA Provides Professional, Quick, and
Understandable Results
Helps you perform the data analysis you need quickly, professionally
and with undestandable results.
Data entry and manipulation
Spreadsheet data entry
SDA performs standard statistical calculations
such as:
- Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, median,
- Cp and Cpk analysis (QC)
- Statistics by group
- Statistics from counts
- Percentile calculations
- Graph features: Histograms, bar charts, pie charts, line
charts, time series plots, stem and leaf, scatterplot, fitted
regression line, matrix of scatterplots, etc.
- Create Excel charts
- t-tests -- single sample, independent group and paired t-test
- t-test from summary data
- One-Way Analysis of variance with multiple compairisons
(Newman-Keuls, Scheffe, Tukey) from raw or summarized data
- Repeated Measures ANOVA
- Dunnett's test (from raw or summarized data)
- Frequency tables
- Chi-square analysis (Goodness of fit, crosstabulation)
including Fisher's Exact test
- Correlation (Pearson and Spearman)
- Comparison of proportions
- Point biserial correlation
- Regression, including simple linear and multiple linear.
- Nonparametric analyses (Two group, multiple group, repeated
measures -- Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman's test,
Wilcoxen, Cochran's Q, McNemar's test)
- Survival analysis (Actuarial and Kaplan Meier -- comparison by
group using Mantel-Haenszel)
- Simulations -- Central limit theorem, confidence intervals,
coin flip
It's guaranteed!
And yes, WINKS SDA works on Windows XP
(as well as Windows 2000, NT, 98, ME and 95.) Choose WINKS
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Thousands of educators, researchers, marketers,
statisticians, and
governmental analysts just like you use WINKS SDA-- in more than 60
countries -- in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Russia, Italy,
and many more! Why? Because WINKS makes data analysis easy and
"We were using another statistics program,
but we switched to WINKS because it does the job we need. It's easy to
use and simple to understand. I recommend WINKS to anyone who
needs a quick and easy program to perform data analysis." --
Dr. Wayne Woodward, SMU.
We looked at both SPSS and WINKS. We chose
WINKS because it was the easiest to use." --
Dr. Nancy Anderson, Liberty University.
"[WINKS is] brilliant to teach students
statistics with the null and alternative hypotheses." --
Dr. Jorgen Fabricius, Denmark.
"[It is] the simplest and most intuitive
system I've tried." -- Dr. James Schlesselman of
the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
REAL 200+ page printed manual full of hand-holding
examples and explanations -- not just a crummy help file. (Although
WINKS also includes an extensive help file as well)
FRIENDLY. Thousands of students have
used WINKS SDA in class to supplement their statistics textbook. WINKS
SDA provides easy access to statistical procedures, helps teach
what hypothesis is being tested, and gives support on what the
analysis means and how to interpret it.
Professors, click here for information on Student Versions of WINKS
Are you a student? Students,
click here for more info.
BACK GUARANTEE. Our 30 day no-questions asked
return policy allows you to buy now with no risk by
clicking here.
EXPERIENCED. TexaSoft has been providing quality software
since 1981.
Designed for researchers who need
to get statistical answers quickly. Plenty of examples are available to get
you started. Hundreds of hours of working with consultants and researchers
went in to creating the interface as well as creating understandable examples
and program output.
Descriptive statistics include: mean, standard deviation, variance, median,
minimum, maximum, standard error of the mean, percentile calculations, Tukey 5 number summary,
confidence intervals, detailed Cp and Cpk calculations, and more. Descriptive graphics include a histogram with a normal
curve fit, a box-and whiskers plot, cumulative normal and cumulative distribution graph.
This is a 3-D bar chart produced by WINKS.
Graphs include: Histogram with bell curve fit, comparison charts including
box-and-whiskers plot, mean chart, median chart, and standard error chart. Also available
are a multiple group (XY) scatterplot, multiple correlation scatterplot, survival analysis
plot, and more. First Impression charts give you a wide range of graph display options
including 3D, tape, area, pie and more.
This example graphic from WINKS shows split windows containing descriptive statistics
output and an associated histogram with a fitted bell curve.
T-tests and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) features include independent group
t-tests and analysis of variance (up to 20 groups), paired t-tests and repeated measures
analysis of variance, single sample analysis of variance and Dunnett's test. You can
perform most of these analyses from raw data or from summary information.
Non-parametric analyses include Mann-Whitney, and Kruskal-Wallis analyses for
independent groups. Wilcoxon's Signed Rank Test and Friedman's test is provided for paired or repeated measures analysis.
Cochran's Q test is provided for dichotomous data analysis.
Frequency and Crosstabulation includes Goodness of fit test, Frequency
distribution, McNemar's test, Chi-square, Fisher exact test (one and two-tailed), Yate's
Chi-square, Phi and Cramer's V, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio and comparison of
Regression and Correlation features include simple linear and multiple
regression, point-biserial correlaiton, correlation matrix, R-square and Adjusted R-square, Pearson's and Spearman's
coefficient tests for significance, data plots and residual plots, point biserial
correlation, and regression through the origin.
Survival Analysis includes actuarial and Kaplan-Meier life tables and comparison
of survival curves.
Simulations and Demonstrations include a coin flip simulation, a confidence
intreval simulation and a central limit theorem demonstration.
WINKS uses industry standard dBASE files. Easily import from Excel
or from other programs such as MSAccess and 123. Also imports ASCII files from other
programs, which makes getting your data into WINKS quick and easy.
Print results or capture text and graphic output for inclusion in reports or other word
processed documents.
Repeat the last analysis type with one click.
Help includes over 200K of examples and explanations, along with full documentation
WINKS BASIC Edition: $99.00
- WINKS Professional includes ALL FEATURES OF WINKS BASIC EDITION plus...
- The Advanced Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) module includes two factor analysis of
variance (balanced or unbalanced), paired and repeated measures analysis,
three-factor ANOVA, and Analysis of Covariance. Analysis of Variance output includes a summary listing of the input data,
ANOVA Table, multiple comparisons (Newman-Keuls, Tukey HSD, or Scheffé), graphical
summary of multiple comparisons and interaction plots. ANCOVA (Analysis of
Covariance) output includes significance
tests and graphical output showing line comparisons.
This plot is a part of the Analysis of
Covariance output.
General WINKS Features |
Both WINKS SDA versions includes these features:
- WINKS on-screen help contains more than 200K of information -- including step-by-step
examples of most analysis types.
- Select often-used options with one click of an icon. Repeat your last analysis type with
only one click -- even if you have ended WINKS and returned.
- WINKS contains a Journal that allows you to place portions of analysis results in a file
-- collecting all of your important results in one place -- so you can print, save or
import them into a word processor later.
- The WINKS data spreadsheet now allows you to enter a formula for a column, and it will
remember the formula, and automatically recalculate entries as you enter or change
numbers. Also, you can add and delete records or fields on the fly, and change field
specifications (i.e. name, width, etc) directly from the spreadsheet. New temporary delete
and undelete options make creating a subset database a breeze.
This is an example of the data entry
spreadsheet used by WINKS.
- For some analyses, you can now display text and graphic output on the same screen.
Graphs are automatically resized to fit on whatever size you make your window.
- Copy analysis output (both graphic and text) in the Windows clipboard for easy transfer
to other programs. Or, save the output to a file. . . . And much, much more.
- Available for all versions of Windows -- XP, ME, 98, NT, 95, 2000.
More Details
about WINKS SDA...
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© Copyright TexaSoft, 2006